California Farm Bureau Friday Review
OCTOBER 10, 2005
Governor Schwarzenegger, in taking action on the 961
bills he received during the first half of the
2005-06 legislative session, demonstrated without a
doubt that he is committed to protecting
California’s family farms. He wound up signing 729
measures and vetoing 232. This years final
edition of the Friday Review will highlight the
governor’s actions on the priority bills for farmers
Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 48 (Sally Lieber,
D-Mountain View) which would have
imposed one of the highest minimum wage rates in the
country. This measure would have increased
the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour, effective on and
after July 1, 2006, and to $7.75 per hour,
effective on and after July 1, 2007, and would have
provided for the automatic adjustment of the
minimum wage on January 1 of each year thereafter,
calculated by multiplying the minimum wage by
the previous year's rate of inflation. CFBF opposed.
In his veto message the governor stated that
although he believed the minimum wage was due for an
increase he did not support automatic
increases that did not take into account changes in
the economy and the economic health of the state.
He also stated that the minimum wage must be
reviewed in conjunction with other wage and hour
issues that impact workers and business.
The governor vetoed SB 820 (Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa
Monica), which would have mandated statewide
reporting of groundwater use to the water rights
regulators at the State Water Resources Control
CFBF strongly opposed this bill, and applauds the
governor's veto of the measure. In his veto
message, the governor identified a key problem with
the bill: it would have imposed significant costs
on individual landowners, without actually
generating the kind of information that would have
the state plan to meet the local water supply needs
of farmers and ranchers. The governor proposed an
alternate approach, starting with an assessment of
existing data on groundwater use, recharge levels,
quality, and other factors, and working with water
users and other interested parties to identify what
further information, if any, the state could use to
make its groundwater report, Bulletin 118, more
useful as a planning tool.
The governor signed AB 1011 (Barbara Matthews,
D-Tracy) that will help insure a fair and open
marketplace for plant protection tools in
California. This new law makes important changes to
streamline and expedite the registration process of
the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and
insure that pesticide manufacturers who have
invested resources in this state to maintain
only data requirements will receive a share of costs
for producing that data. The bill also requires
retailers that sell home and garden pesticides to be
subject to the same pesticide mill assessment that
agricultural users pay on their pesticides. This
provision should result in at least $4 million in
additional annual fee revenues and will allow the
DPR to track more closely the use of urban
In an infrequently used signing message, Governor
Schwarzenegger called on the DPR to complete the
bill’s required analysis of the potential
environmental consequences of data sharing
agreements and
their impact on the volume of pesticides sold in
The bill that would have significantly expanded the
causes of action to impose civil penalties for
pesticide violations was vetoed by Governor
Schwarzenegger. Farm Bureau argued that SB 455
(Martha Escutia, D-Whittier) was premature because
the administration’s recently created Enforcement
Response Policy (ERP) for pesticides should be
allowed to be put in place before further
are put into law. The ERP was developed jointly by
the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and
the California Agricultural Commissioners and
Sealers Association to help insure consistent
application and compliance with statutory and
regulatory mandates relating to pesticides.
In his veto message, the governor stated that
consistent statewide enforcement of California’s
environmental laws is paramount for the protection
of California’s people, property, and the
environment. But he cited that by requiring minimum
mandatory penalties for “exposure” rather than
“harm,” the bill would have drastically expanded
liability and restricted enforcement officer
“This expansion will create litigation over its
interpretation and uncertainty over its scope that
adversely impact the farm workers, the regulated
community, our enforcement officers, and the
Department,” he wrote. The governor also directed
the DPR to expedite the regulatory process for
putting the 2005 ERP into effect.
In signing Assembly Bill 365 (Simon Salinas,
D-Salinas), which establishes greenhouse agriculture
a statutorily declared “agricultural use” in the
Williamson Act, the governor said, “The bill
that greenhouse agriculture is essential to all
aspects of the agricultural industry.” The governor
stated unequivocally, “Greenhouses used in
production of agricultural crops should not be
an industrial or commercial use.” He also addressed
the controversial local control issue raised in the
eleventh hour by his Office of Planning and Research
by stating that it was his opinion that the bill
does not change local prerogative to include
greenhouse uses in local Williamson Act definitions
agricultural use or in agricultural zoning
ordinances. Farm Bureau, through its Farm Team,
121 letters to the governor in support of AB 365.
Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 755 (Hector De La
Torre, D-South Gate) that would have
required employees working on a piece-rate basis in
the agricultural and garment industries be paid
wages on top of their piece-rate earnings for rest
periods regardless of whether the employee has taken
a break or chose to work through it. The bill also
would have provided that an employee working on a
piece-rate basis, who suffers injury as a result of
the failure of an employer to pay required wages for
rest periods, is entitled to recover his or her
unpaid average piece-rate wage for each rest period
in any
pay period in which a violation occurred. CFBF
In his veto message the governor stated “piece-rate
calculations already compensate workers for all
time worked and rest periods are already considered
time worked. This is unreasonable and overly
burdensome to employers and does nothing to ensure
that workers actually take the rest periods they
are authorized to take. This bill would impose
burdensome accounting requirements and increase
frivolous litigation with no discernable benefit to
After a long, and much more difficult process than
expected, the governor finally had the opportunity
to sign SB 453 (Charles Poochigian, R-Fresno), which
will immediately implement the Central Valley
Rural Crime Prevention Program. SB 453 will provide
$3.341 million for the program to prevent
agricultural crime and protect California
agriculture in the Central Valley through the
integration of
law enforcement, agricultural commissioners and
prosecution. The program fosters collaboration
between county law enforcement and local farmers.
“The Central Valley Rural Crime Prevention Program
is crucial to protecting the economy of the
richest agricultural producing region in the world.
Agriculture is the lifeblood of the Central Valley.
Prior to the Rural Crime Prevention Program, thieves
who preyed on rural communities and stole fuel,
chemicals, equipment and livestock often were not
actively pursued, for lack of resources and
expertise,” Senator Poochigian said. Funding of
$3.341 million for the program was included in the
budget signed in July 2005.
The governor vetoed AB 1058 (Paul Koretz,
D-Hollywood), which would have created a California-
only labeling program. This bill threatened consumer
confidence in food safety by creating a
California-only labeling program for beef as an
unnecessary reaction to recent bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE) cases. State level labeling
programs are pre-empted by the Federal Meat
Inspection Act, which is the appropriate place to
address the issue. In his veto message, the governor
stated, “California and the United States have the
most sound food safety system in the world. Our
system is a model of how local, state, and federal
government work cooperatively with private food
wholesalers and retailers protect consumers and
provide a safe wholesome food supply.”
Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 600 (Debra Ortiz,
D-Sacramento) and (Don Perata, D-Oakland)
that proposed biomonitoring to identify public
health trends resulting from exposure to and
concentration of toxic chemicals by creating the
Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Program.
However, SB 600 lacked a health-risk framework for
interpreting and communicating the
biomonitoring results. In addition, this bill could
have lead to new, onerous rules and regulations on
farmers and ranchers and would have created an
eight-member, Cal/EPA and Department of Health
Services (DHS) appointed advisory panel.
The governor signed AB 1061 (Committee on
Agriculture), which improves the business climate
family farmers by ensuring that they receive payment
for their products. This bill will improve direct
business interactions by creating a more streamlined
process for payment disputes under $30,000.
CFBF is pleased that the Governor signed this bill
and looks forward to working with the Market
Enforcement Advisory Committee to ensure a
streamlined implementation process for the new
The governor also vetoed AB 826 (Pedro Nava, D-Santa
Barbara) that would have created California
Farm to School Child Nutrition Improvement Program
(Farm to School program). His veto message
said that he believed the bill was unnecessary
because it duplicates efforts that are already
taking place
in other state programs. The governor cited the
Department of Health Services (DHS) already
implements California 5 a Day – For Better Health
Campaign and the California Nutrition Network
for Health Active Families to promote increased
consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as the
Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) oversees
the Buy California Initiative that helps promote
California agriculture. The governor also raised
fiscal concerns by adding, “Instead of creating
duplicative program with no identifiable funding
source, I would rather see any additional resources
that might be available go directly toward providing
fresh fruits and vegetables to schools.” He also
noted that he had signed SB 281 (Abel Maldonado,
R-Santa Maria) into law that provides healthy
alternatives through existing meal programs and
makes purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables a
priority, by providing $18 million to California’s
schools to purchase fresh produce. While it is
unfortunate that the Governor vetoed AB 826, CFBF
will continue to work with CDFA, DHS, and the
Department of Education to better coordinate current
programs to improve farm to school programs in
The governor signed AB 1328 (Lois Wolk, D-Davis)
declaring a 31 mile stretch of Cache Creek in
Yolo and Lake Counties a part of the State Wild and
Scenic Rivers system. This bill was opposed by
California Farm Bureau Federation, as well as the
Yolo County Farm Bureau, several other County
Farm Bureaus, and many individual Farm Bureau
members. The bill does not include specific
protections for existing and future private water
rights above and below the listed reach of Cache
Creek, but it does contain extensive language
protecting the existing and future water rights of
agencies, as well as assurances that flood control
efforts will not be stymied by the designation.
The governor came down hard on the side of
accountability in government when he vetoed AB 1747
(Lois Wolk, D-Davis). This was the highly
controversial measure that would have allowed the
Band of Wintun Indians to enter into a joint powers
agreement (JPA) with Yolo County local
governments and the University of California at
Davis to manage a 17,300-acre ranch that the county
wants to take by eminent domain. Local government
officials felt that as sovereign nation, the tribe
deserved to participate in nonreservation land use
management decisions because their casino earnings
were going to finance Yolo County’s seizure of the
ranch. The governor disagreed, “[A]llowing a
tribal government that is not subject to all of the
federal, state and local laws that protect the
public, to
participate in the exercise of public power,
particularly off reservation lands, diminishes
accountability and control. The governor also
addressed the takings issue by saying the bill also
presents significant policy questions regarding the
proper role of a tribal sovereign when their
partnership with a local government can lead to the
taking of property for public purposes through
eminent domain. Farm Bureau opposed AB 1747 for
these same reasons.
Thank you to all those County Farm Bureaus, Farm
Team members, and individuals who took
the time to write, fax, email and call the
Governor’s office asking for his action on these
Your efforts are important in getting the desired
results to protect farms and ranches.