April 26, 2001    By Cindy Wright

The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair Board at their meeting last night offered their support by passing a resolution which includes the following: "...the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair Board recognizes the urgency of this emergency and hereby directs the CEO to initiate and support efforts, as the CEO sees fit, to support the meetings and efforts by the communities to seek remedies to the current disaster, and; furthermore that the fairgrounds facilities be offered at no charge to hold peaceful meetings and/or gatherings, and that the CEO be encouraged to participate in activities seeking a remedy to the disaster, and; now therefore be it further resolved that efforts be supported to cause Congress and The President to amend the ESA so that provisions be made to allow people to co-exist
with endangered species."

There are so many working on the "water crisis" in so many ways. It is exciting to see that the website is working! www.klamathbasincrisis.org 

Use it! Look at it to see that it is current with what you know and have heard. If you can contribute to it in any way, please do so! If you need to get word out about your meeting, post it. Let's stay focused and organized and WORK TOGETHER TO WIN! The website is a wonderful tool to keep us all informed and provide an efficient means of reference as we contact legislators, friends, media... everyone! 

Deb Crisp from the Tulelake Growers Assn. just asked that we all do our best to concentrate on contacting legislators and media to attend the Bucket Brigade on May 7th. Again, go to the website for details about the Bucket Brigade and for links to contact legislators & media.

There has been some confusion about times for tomorrow's (Friday's) appearance in front of the Federal Courthouse in Eugene. Again go to the website for current information, but people should be present by 8AM. If you live in Tulelake and are interested, Bob Galeoto is taking a 15-passenger van (call him at 530/667-4214 before 2 pm today to reserve a seat).

While I have put together an e-mailist (including you), to forward what I believe to be important news about the water issue, you may not wish to be on it. If so, I apologize and you can return this email to me with the word "remove" in the subject line.

I received a call this morning that this person got a call back from the O'Reilly people at Fox News Channel (about another issue) by
calling 888-369-4762... It's worth trying again (or more). One of our members got a reply from Pacific Legal & they are considering
getting involved. We are breaking through on several fronts into national media. Several of you have gotten through with Barry Farber
Tuesday & Wednesday. Klamath Basin farmer John Crawford and U.S. Dept. of Interior rep Jeff McCracken will be part of a live program with questions and comments at 9AM Pacific on AM 1080 KSCO and AM 1340 KOMY, the Saturday Food Chain with Michael Olson. Listeners may call the live program at 831-479-1080 or 831-477-1340. If you can't hear the California radio stations you can listen to the Saturday Food Chain streamed live or recorded as an archive by logging onto the radio page at

I suggest we all concentrate on promoting the website: www.klamathbasincrisis.org
as a central information resource about the issue! If you get on the air, if you write a letter, if you make a phone call, if you pay a bill,tell everyone to go to the website for more information about our issue.