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Archive 194 - July 2018
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Tulelake Irrigation District Notice of Election for Board of Directors, Filing deadline August 10, H&N 7/11/18.

City of Tulelake election for 3 council members. Nomination papers due to office of Tulelake City Clerk by August 10, 2018.

Tribes oppose irrigators’ $50 million bond request, H&N 7/18/18. "...the Tribes filed a motion for a preliminary injunction directing BOR to maintain lake levels at a minimum required to ensure fish survival...the Tribes are required by federal law to put forward financial security to cover losses incurred as a result of the injunction...the annual crop value of irrigators within the Klamath Project was reported at $169 million in 2016..(Klamath Tribe) chose to seek a remedy at a time that would inflict the worst possible damage on the agricultural community...
(Court hearing is) this Friday in San Francisco before Judge William Orrick.."
* There are 10's of thousands of suckers in Klamath Lake
* There is no number of how many suckers the tribes or government want in the lake to unlist them as "endangered"
* After the 2001 complete water shut off to the Klamath Project, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences in 2004 wrote that the 2001 Klamath Project water shut-off was not scientifically justified. This was after there were millions of dollars worth of crop and contract losses, bankruptcies, heart attacks, suicides, and mass exodus of our Hispanic Community that had lived and worked here for decades.
*Land in the south end (Tulelake) of the Klamath Project was historically a navigable lake, up to 30' deep, over where our crops are now. It was rerouted and diverted OFF that land and INTO the Klamath River to "feed a hungry nation". Now the Tribes and government agencies want to deny us 2 feet of water to irrigate our crops.

* The biological opinion calls for historically high water levels in the Klamath Lake. Before the Klamath Project was created, the Klamath River occasionally went dry. (no water, no fish).

*Klamath Project irrigators supported removal of Chiloquin Dam, an experiment that was supposed to bring back 90% of sucker habitat, restore the suckers and irrigation water certainty. In spite of that permanent experiment, the Klamath Tribe has called on irrigation water.
* 97,160 acres of land was taken out of agriculture from ag as primary water usage (above Klamath Lake) just through 2006.  Government agencies and TNC promised that these farm and ranch acquisitions would save water, improve water quality, benefit fish, and store water for the rest of the irrigators and put more water into the Klamath River. The opposite was true.
*Dr William Lewis Jr NRC/National Research Council said we should not count on retiring agricultural land land for saving suckers, and fish kill information does not support that fish are dying by changing water level.
"Caspian tern population along the Columbia River has been responsible for around 15 million to 20 million salmon smolts being eaten annually." So they made artificial islands on Tule Lake and Klamath Lake to lure these fish-eating Caspian Terns to the Klamath Basin.

Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum comments to ODEQ regarding JC Boyle Dam removal 7/17/18.

Tule Lake Committee (Japanese activists) makes counter offer for Tulelake airport land, H&N 7/13/18.
HERE for Japanese vs Tulelake page. KBC NOTE: Read about their constant litigation against our airport to shut it down; they want it in addition to the already 1400 acres of Tulelake Land already acquired to tell their 4-year story of the Japanese at the Tulelake relocation camp after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Their website calls us locals "white supremacists." And in the above article they claim to want to "work with all parties in good faith."

Tulelake council approves first step to sell land underlying airport, H&N 7/12/18. "Tulelake City Council held the first reading of an ordinance authorizing the sale of the land underlying the airport to the Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma. The airport itself is owned by Modoc County... In two legal challenges, the Tule Lake Committee, which includes Japanese Americans who were incarcerated at Tule Lake and their families, fought the construction of the (security) fence..."

Tulelake City Council ordinance to sell Tulelake Airport land to Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma, July 2018

President Trump Pardons Dwight & Steven Hammond, LaMalfa Press Release 7/10/18

Why I stand in opposition to dam removal along the Klamath River, by Oregon State Rep E Werner Reschke 7/6/18.

Comments due July 6 for Klamath refuges acquiring irrigator's water

Rising up the ranks< Soaring through the ranks, H&N KBC 7/4/18.  The U.S. Air Force promoted Andrew P Hansen, from Klamath Falls, to brigadier general this past month.

County intervenes in Klamath Tribes water allocation lawsuit, H&N 7/4/18. "...On May 29, the Tribes requested an injunction that could lead to a shutoff of irrigation water...Multiple other parties have filed their intents to intervene in the case, including the Hoopa Valley Tribe, Yurok Tribe, IFFR/Institute for Fisheries Resources, Klamath Riverkeeper and PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. The case is assigned to Ninth U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick, in San Francisco..." KBC NOTE, FYI: Klamath Riverkeeper was formed by and includes Karuk Tribe spokesman Tucker and director Hillman and Klamath Tribe board members. PCFFA created IFFR.

Lava Beds re-designation effort resuming, H&N 7/4/18. 

Science behind listing of endangered fish should be public, by Christine Hankins, Bonanza, letter to H&N 7/3/18. "...has anyone ever wondered how the ”endangered” short-nosed sucker existed for millennia before the local dams ... made it possible to keep lake and river levels so high?"

Tulelake City Council Meeting 7/3/18 to read ordinance for sale of Tulelake Airport to Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma

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