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Commentary and Articles  by William Jud    Page 2       See Page 1

Subject: "Klamath Falls Bucket Brigade" - - 
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 22:29:08
From: "WILLIAM JUD" <williamjud@hotmail.com>
To:  kbc@klamathbasincrisis.org

3429 Madison 573 783-8210
Fredericktown MO 63645

Governmental wreckage strewn about by the departing Clinton Administration resembles a great city in ruins after a horrendous hurricane or earthquake. But wreckage also is an opportunity for renewal and rebuilding. This is the time for rural citizens to re-take control of their land and lives and to restore their rights which the Socialist and environmentalist thugs of the Clinton Administration severely damaged.

Clinton's Administration shined a bright floodlight on our federal government's everyday immoral, criminal and unconstitutional activities which we now have the opportunity to fix. Damage to America, and to rural American in particular, left by the departing Clinton Administration is so extensive that any one article cannot possible cover everything. This essay touches only a few high points within the field of rebuilding Rural Citizens' Property Rights and is an issues menu for people looking for projects and causes to return government to it's legitimate, Constitutional role.

Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution allows the federal government to own land on which to build "Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful buildings." Period. End of authorization. No land for National Forests, no Wildlife Refuges, no National Monuments, nothing else at all. Land owned by the federal government for purposes not authorized by the U.S. Constitution is owned in criminal contempt of our Constitution and is managed by government agencies operating illegally and contemptuously. All such land acquired by the federal government without Constitutional authorization must be returned immediately, without requirement for payment and tax, to its former, legitimate private owners or their heirs, but not to any intermediary such as a land trust which bought land from a private citizen and then re-sold to a government agency. As a practical matter, this action initially should be limited to land which the federal government acquired since January 1, 1950.

In western States where the federal government owns huge tracts of land that never has been under private ownership, land now owned by the federal government must be transferred to ownership of the state in which the land is located. This includes National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, and offshore marine areas within 50 miles of land.

However, there are some places where government does have a legitimate case for acting as a land manager. In those places, land acquired by a government agency must be acquired only through short-term lease, not through purchase, with title and property tax liability remaining with the private citizen owner.

Land use regulations issued by government agencies are a back-door way to control private land without the expense of lease, condemnation or purchase. In many cases, regulations are so restrictive that they amount to an illegal "taking" and reduction of private property value without the payment required by the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This reduction in value of the land, and reduction in income from use of the land are theft and are an ongoing, increasing debt owed to private property owners by government agencies and must be repaid in full, with interest.

Some of that money for repaying landowners can come from re-directed funds made available by partial or complete shut-down of government agencies which operate in violation of our U.S. Constitution. The National Park Service must close all operations and release all employees except for National Parks operation and maintenance. The Bureau of Land Management must likewise stop all operations and release all employees, because land owned and managed by BLM is land which the U.S. Constitution does not authorize the federal government to own. The U.S. Forest Service needs to stop pretending its lands are National Parks and zoos for 'endangered' animals and return to its authorized mission of providing timber, minerals and other natural resources. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must be disbanded altogether, its operating funds used for landowner repayment, and USFWS land returned to its legitimate private owners.

Much of the money to repay landowners should come from confiscation of the land and assets of environmental organizations, certain environmentalist-supportive corporations, land trusts, and certain tax-exempt foundations. These, plus government, are major financial and policy players in the drive to rid America of rural citizens and privately owned land. These organizations and government agencies are and have been the financial driving force responsible for enormous damage to rural customs, culture, society, and economy, and are responsible for actions resulting in suicides, bankruptcies, divorces, business failures, forced relocations and other grave damage to rural families. These activities and the resulting damage to rural citizens qualify those organizations and agencies for prosecution under RICO racketeering laws and anti-terrorism laws.

Since their creation in the 1800s and early 1900s, many of the old-line, tax-exempt foundations have actively promoted and financed Soviet-style Communism and other left-wing activities in America, and during recent decades have been an important source of funding for organizations which promote Soviet-style Communism through environmentalist extremism and replacing our U.S. Constitution with United Nations one-world-government.

These foundations, organizations, and land trusts must be stripped of their tax-exempt status. Their assets and the assets of contributing corporations must be confiscated and used to repay America's rural citizens harmed by the programs which they fund. Directors of those organizations need to spend the balance of their lives and their next several reincarnations doing hard labor and hard time in jail, preferably in nations operating under the Communist or Socialist systems which those people profess to adore and want for America.

No government agency and no government official must be allowed to recover expenses or to profit in any manner from enforcing the law. Law enforcement must cost, not pay, so as to stop official corruption based on profit motive.

This does not mean that fines could no longer be assessed, or that property may not be confiscated. But all cash and other items of value which are transferred as a result of official punitive action, such as traffic tickets, court cost, making prisoners pay for time in jail, or property confiscated through drug busts or 'endangered species' violations, must never enrich or even reimburse the government official or agency involved, directly or indirectly. Harassment of citizens by government officials will decline enormously when each arrest, each prison sentence and each property confiscation, cost the agency involved and return nothing to the agency or officer. Property confiscated as a result of legal action, such as an automobile or house, must be maintained in good repair at agency expense, or returned without liability including no requirement to pay tax, to an uninvolved third party such as a relative, or if sold must return not less than fair market value to its owner.

America's radio, television and newspapers create social problems as well as report problems. By remaining focused on disaster and corruption, and by championing immorality and extreme liberalism, some segments of America's media distort our view of the world and foster creation of laws and policies based on lies and junk science. Most such Socialistic broadcasters and publications infest large cities but some rural newspapers also routinely distort news and publish left-wing advocacy disguised as journalism, hiding behind the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as their authorization for publishing any sick garbage they want.

In truth, the 1st Amendment does protect editorial perverts and muckrakers, so a regulatory approach to truth in publication is not the way to go. The media will have to be upgraded through traditional means such as everyday, on-going meetings between editors and publishers and angry citizens 

who demand that truth replace advocacy. Advertisers must be made aware that readers are angry about publication content. And, as an expensive way to fix the problem, some newspapers or broadcasters may have to be bought out or at least a controlling quantity of their stock could be bought by people seeking to return truth to editorial content, and the offending editorial staff replaced.

Companies which produce recorded music are included, for although they don't print lies on paper, they do publish 'popular' and 'country' music, 'rap,' and other material which is depressing, degrading, hostile to traditional family values, blatantly immoral and downright disgusting. The music's damaging message gets through and affects you even if you think you are not listening to the words, and the constant barrage of negativism and anti-social behavior glorified in music and by other media damages individual people and society as a whole.

Government officials and government agencies must be made responsible and liable for their actions, including fines and prison time for actions which damage the lives of rural citizens. Rural America is not a dumping ground for back-to-Nature experiments, although rural America has been treated that way for many years by government agencies and environmental organizations.

Organizations such as Departments of Conservation or Natural Resources must not be allowed to release animals and plants into rural areas without assuming full financial liability and personal and organizational responsibility for the release and subsequent problems. Many such animals are dangerous, such as wolves, rattlesnakes and grizzly bears. Other animals are destructive, such as elk and deer which consume large amounts of pasture grass grown for cattle. Government agencies which introduce problem animals such as deer or elk must pay farmers and ranchers for the pasture grass and crops consumed by those animals. Even plants can become a problem, such as the formerly promoted "living fence" Multiflora Rose which farmers and ranchers now must remove using expensive herbicides. Rose removal and similar projects, and landowner compensation, must be a fully funded part of the budget of the agency which introduced the pest.

Personal and Agency liability must extend to other problems such as automobile collisions with deer, elk and other large animals introduced by the agency or by environmental organizations working through an official Agency.

America has a Constitution. Each State has a Constitution. When laws which violate a State Constitution or the US Constitution are drafted, voted upon, or implemented and enforced, there must be a penalty imposed upon the people involved. Newly proposed legislation must be examined immediately for compliance with our US Constitution. No court battles or studies dragging on for years should be allowed in determination of Constitutionality.

As a start, the elected official who creates or sponsors un-Constitution legislation must receive an immediate and permanent 20% pay cut and loss of 5 years seniority applied to retirement benefits and legislative seniority. Legislators who vote to approve un-Constitutional bills lose 15% and 2 years, and Agency personnel who enforce un-Constitutional laws get cut 10% and 1 year. This is for each bill, each vote and each enforcement, and is cumulative.

America has a huge inventory of un-Constitutional laws. All of our existing national and state laws, not including our US Constitution, need imposition of a 5-years sunset provision voiding each law found to be in any part un-Constitutional unless that law is rewritten and renewed to establish Constitutional compliance.

Legislative re-districting must be done by Counties, not by population, to prevent political oppression of rural citizens by people living in densely populated cities. Change to one State Representative per County, regardless of population, and one State Senator per group of Counties, regardless of population.

Rogue lawyers are the tool through which anti-American zealots and left-wing environmentalists are destroying the quality of rural life an America. The combination of left-wing lawyers and government agencies is particularly offensive and damaging.

Lawyers are the instrument of lawsuits against government agencies which force those agencies to act in an un-Constitutional manner to deprive rural citizens of property rights. Other lawyers routinely enrich themselves at public expense, such as the recent "Tobacco Settlement" extortion of cigarette manufacturers and the impending "Slavery Reparations" to give descendents of slaves trillions of dollars. Shakespeare was perceptive.

The legal profession has failed completely to remove predators from its ranks. The answer lies in restricting the activities of lawyers. Declare law school to be a public nuisance and close the law schools for 35 years until the number of lawyers in America is reduced through attrition to one lawyer per 25,000 citizens. Cap the salary of all lawyers at two times minimum wage, and forbid the practice of litigating on commission. Recover the money from the Tobacco Settlement and similar acts of government-facilitated grand theft and return the money to its rightful owners.

The United Nations is the biggest boondoggle of all and the greatest threat to rural citizens. The UN was founded by persons who support Communist ideology and is run by persons who espouse Socialism and hate private property ownership. The UN has no legitimate authority granted by our Constitution, but is attempting to create its own authority and force of government to take over the world. UN land-use treaties with America during the past 40 years all are aimed at eliminating the use of rural land and removing rural citizens from their land. The UN is the ultimate driving force and source of un-Constitutional land use policies adopted by government agencies and supported by rogue environmental organizations and left-wing tax-exempt foundations.

We need across-the-board cancellation and withdrawal from every treaty between America and the UN. Where treaties happen to contain some useful provisions, those can be re-negotiated by other means and perhaps ratified again with legitimate governments under far more favorable conditions. The UN, after all, is not a government and is not an organization with which or through which America's government is Constitutionally authorized to create treaty obligations. America needs to withdraw fully from the UN and stop supporting the UN financially. Global cooperation can be a good thing. Global government by the UN is about as
un-Constitutional and harmful for Americans as anything is possible to be.

No way! But if we can successfully address and remedy these high points we can considerably improve the future of rural citizens. There are two centuries of governmental rubbish to clear out, replace and restructure, and we can do it. We must do it. We dare not


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Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:23 AM  Pacific

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