August 1, 2005
Water for Life celebrates
success on Klamath power rate bill
SALEM, Or. – Water for Life
celebrated the passage of Senate Bill 81 with a
bill signing ceremony at the Governor’s office
today. Joining Oregon Governor Kulongoski were
Klamath legislators Sen. Doug Whitsett and Rep.
Bill Garrard; Water for Life executive director
Emilie Wolff, and Klamath Off-Project Water
Users president Edward Bartell, and secretary,
Carole Canevari. |
The Governor’s signature officially enacts into
Oregon law a measure that ensures Klamath Basin
irrigators will face no more than a 50 percent
increase per year in agricultural power rates.
Although still a hefty increase, the bill mitigates
what would have been an immediate rate increase in
excess of 1,200 percent.
Water for Life agreed to spearhead efforts on the
bill after being approached by the Klamath
Off-Project Water Users, who initially conceived the
legislation for Klamath Basin irrigators facing the
massive rate hike. Klamath Off-Project Water User
members, by using groundwater that eventually serves
to recharge surface water sources, provide much of
the water Pacific Power Uses to generate power. The
Off-Project Users contract bears no termination
date, however Pacific Power has made filings in the
Oregon Public Utility Commission to terminate their
“We vigorously oppose this devastating rate
increase," said Edward Bartell, President of Klamath
Off-Project Water Users. “If rates are raised it
will mean less water and higher costs for Pacific
Power and ratepayers.”
“No ratepayer in Oregon should face rate increases
of this magnitude,” Bartell continued, and added,
“Klamath Off-Project Water Users plan on fully
litigating our rates guaranteed in the contract.”
The Klamath Off-Project Water Users and the Klamath
Reclamation Project are also currently working with
Pacific Power in negotiations and are hopeful about
keeping power rates affordable. The bill serves as a
“safety net” in case a negotiated agreement is not
The bill’s passage is the result of hundreds of
hours of time and effort put in by Water for Life
and Klamath Off-Project Water Users lobbyists, staff
and members, Klamath legislators and the Governor’s
“This legislation was definitely a challenge for
us,” said Water for Life executive director Emilie
Wolff. “We moved from our usual area of expertise in
water statutes to becoming an overnight expert on
public utility statutes. We owe a big debt of thanks
to everyone who worked with us to get this done.”
Wolff particularly expresses appreciation to
Governor Kulongoski and his staff for their
commitment to addressing Klamath irrigators’ power
rate concerns and making this bill a priority among
the many issues raised during the 2005 legislative
Wolff adds, “We’re very happy to have been
successful in passing this legislation for the
agricultural community in the Klamath Basin who are
hit by one water issue after another and remain some
of Water for Life’s most faithful supporters.”