Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.


Howdy supporter of Protect Our Water,

(more info: Restore Honor Water Rally Aug 28, 2010)

The Scott Valley Protect Our Water Rally is just 6 days away and closing fast.  It is Sat. Aug. 28.
We are now expecting at least 500 people and need more desserts brought for the dessert Potluck -- like our Pie N Politics meetings.
If you can bring a dessert or two please email lizbowen@sisqtel.net  so I can put you on the list.
Also anyone, who is willing to help us where ever help may be needed, please email me as well.
Water Rally is at 5 p.m.
Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds
BBQ dinner at 6 p.m. cost is $10 adults; 12 and under is $5.
Purchase tickets at
Etna Hardware,
Fort Jones Hardware,
Fort Jones Lumber,
Mean Gene's in Greenview,
Yreka Hardware and
Terry's Nursery in Yreka.
Or email Cyndi Baird at mcbair@sisqtel.net to order "Will HOLD" tickets.  Or call Cyndi at 468-5867.
Speaker Holly Swanson will be at 7 p.m. with up-to-date info from President Craig Chenoweth and Vice Presicent Mark Baird, along with several groups throughout the county that are fighting for water. Also an water attorney from Sacramento will speak.
Fundraiser AUCTION will be at 8:15 p.m.  If you would like to donate, contact Becky Schenone-Chase at 467-5358.
After the Auction, Nick Jenner and his band will play for our entertainment until 11:30 p.m.
Thanks bunches,
Liz Bowen
Home Contact


              Page Updated: Tuesday August 24, 2010 02:10 AM  Pacific

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