Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Oct. 2, 2010


Open Letter to Siskiyou County Supervisor Armstrong

Ms. Marcia Armstrong, District 5 Supervisor of Siskiyou County, I would like to point out some issues which we, your constituents, have tried repeatedly to bring to your attention. We have told you in meetings, in letters and in person, that we do not want nor do we need a Ground Water ordinance. You have stated that the Scott River Watershed Counsel asked for this ordinance. How on earth could you possibly think the Scott River Watershed Counsel represents the wishes of the people in your district? We have made that very plain to you on numerous occasions.

The first reading of the ordinance became so contentious that Supervisor Michael Kobseff came to the aid of YOUR district. Supervisor Kobseff agreed to meet with us to hear our concerns and our ideas. Regardless of the Brown Act, you expressed no such interest in attending this meeting.  Supervisor Jim Cook also participated in this meeting as you would have been free to do in his place.

At this meeting we arrived at some very positive conclusions, which would benefit all of the citizens of Siskiyou County, and not endanger anyone’s Liberties or Property.

Our idea was to use a Motion to form, for the period of one year, a Ground Water Production Enhancement Task force. The Task force would consist of ground water owners and a scientific advisor; and no cross memberships from any other agricultural boards. Studies would be done on a voluntary basis only, and the information gathered would be kept confidential at the water owners’ request. 

The job of this Task Force would be to identify ways to increase water production in each watershed. This could be accomplished through recharge ponds, increased surface diversions, (the Iron Gate water right), repair of upland stream-flow maintenance structures, juniper tree reduction, and so on.

We proposed the use of retired scientific advisors with donated time. Cost of this Task Force would be no cost to the County and, more importantly, limited dependence on grant funding.  No strings attached.

Supervisors Kobseff and Cook agreed to take our Motion to the Board with a tentative time-line of
January 15, 2011 or sooner, if possible. 

Although both of the supervisors present at our Saturday morning meeting hoped for a shorter time line, we argued successfully, that in order to accomplish this and do it right, would require some time.

We also need time to have legal review of the document (once again at no cost to the County). 

We are on the verge of a motion, which could be a model for a return to constitutional government, in partnership, with Siskiyou County.

The Ground Water Production Enhancement Task Force will protect the Constitutional Right to Property; and the
to use that property as well as improving watershed production for the benefit of all.

Ms. Armstrong, I am very disappointed to learn that you and Mr. Guarino have no wish to see progress in this County. Business as usual is the method you prefer. You seem stuck on government and regulation of individual assets by committee built around conflict-of-interest and self-interest. 

We say “No” to that form of government.

Have you so quickly forgotten your oath of office? Which is: To support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

We the people have not forgotten!

We will oppose any and all intrusions upon our
or our Property with all of the resources at our command.

Mark Baird
Vice President Protect Our Water

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