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Water Crisis
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place for powerplant H&N letter to the editor 8/4/04 If I'm not mistaken, all of the elected officials are, in fact, hired by the public to represent the majority interests. Our county commissioners, who were elected to represent us, had better be on the people's side of the Cob powerplant project. A major majority of the people have spoken. Very few people in the region want a powerplant in Langell valley, especially the people in Langell Valley, Bonanza, Poe Valley, and, from what I have heard, most of the people in Klamath Falls do not like the idea of it either. If the commissioners are listening to the majority of the people, they will not grant any special tax breaks for the power plant to entice it be built. It was reported in the Herald and News that if tax breaks are not granted then Peoples Energy probably wouldn't site the plant here. If the commissioners side with the powerplant instead of the people who put them into office, then it needs to be recall time for them. I, for one, have no problem with poweplants being sited here, but not in a place such as Langell Valley. Bonneville Power Administration high tension lines, a gas line and another powerplant are already in place in Klamath Falls. If Cob power plant is to be sited anywhere it should be there. To our commissioners, the people are watching your actions. Matt Wilkinson Klamath Falls
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