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Cob facility hearing set for Wednesday

Attorneys will cross-examine witnesses Wednesday in the latest phase of the contested case hearing on the proposed Cob Energy Facility.

At least three different law firms are involved in the proceedings, which will take place at 9 a.m. in the Klamath County Commissioners hearing room.

Jan Prewitt of the Oregon Department of Justice said she expects the cross-examination to be over in one day. She said while only parties to the contested case will be allowed to comment, the meeting is open to the public for anyone who wants to come and watch the proceeding.

Prewitt said two witnesses are scheduled for cross-examination, Jerry Grondin of the Oregon Water Resources Department, and Phil Brown, a witness for the Cob facility on water issues.

Cob spokesman Rob Trotta said Oregon's siting process for power plants is rigorous, but stressed that the lengthy process should make people comfortable that the government is carefully examining the proposal.

"I can assure you there are multiple layers of review on this project. Nothing here gets seen by less than three agencies," Trotta said. "I think if I was a member of the public and I followed this process and I read all the documents, I would feel that my interests were being protected, that I was being represented by the state.

Hearings Officer Virginia Gustafson is expected to make a recommendation on the contested case by Sept. 3. After she makes a recommendation and both sides have a chance to comment on her opinion, the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council will convene and decide whether to grant Cob a site license.

By Brook Reinhard







Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM  Pacific

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