Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Mid-Pacific Region Media Contact: Pete Lucero, 916-978-5100,
plucero@usbr.gov WEAVERVILLE, Calif. – On Sunday, August 25, 2013, at approximately 8 a.m., the Bureau of Reclamation will begin to increase releases from Lewiston Dam to the Trinity River in support of the Hoopa Valley Tribe's bi-annual Boat Dance Ceremony. The increased flows in the Trinity River will also meet downstream needs and will be adjusted at rates that protect the public and fish and wildlife. The increased releases will raise flows gradually from the summer base flow of 450 cubic feet per second to a peak of 2,650 cubic feet per second by midnight Sunday. Following the close of the ceremony, on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, at approximately midnight, the flows will begin to be gradually reduced to a rate of approximately 850 cubic feet per second. To protect the near-record Chinook salmon return in the Klamath River, releases from Lewiston Dam will then vary from about 850 to 900 cubic feet per second until approximately September 19, 2013, when flows will gradually be reduced back to 450 cubic feet per second. As always, the public is urged to exercise caution when recreating in or around the Trinity River. ### Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at www.usbr.gov.
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Page Updated: Saturday August 24, 2013 02:23 AM Pacific
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