Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

We Klamath Project irrigators have less than 3 weeks, mid-harvest, to comment on the Bureau's Draft Biological Assessment which, we've heard, will be the beginning of the end of the Klamath Project.


OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT: Draft Environmental Assessment for implementation of Klamath Project operating procedures 2024-2029
September 13, 2024
Bureau of Reclamation News ANNOUNCEMENTS

From the Bureau of Reclamation
📷The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) manages the Klamath Project (Project), which has provided water for irrigation, domestic, and related purposes since its authorization in 1905. Reclamation is proposing to modify certain aspects of its water management for the Project under the Proposed Action Alternative. The objective of this Environmental Assessment is to determine whether implementing the Proposed Action Alternative as described here (and in the modified 2024 Biological Assessment (Reclamation, 2024a)) may significantly affect the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act.
The Draft Environmental Assessment posted for public review and comment through 10/2/2024. Contact Amanda Babcock at 541-880-2556 or email to ababcock@usbr.gov.


Here is the Klamath Irrigation District August 12 Newsletter that tells who's who behind the Klamath "science" and how the proposed operation plan will destroy us

Klamath Irrigation District anticipates early-mid September Conflict (illegal water shutoffs) with Reclamation's 2024 Operations Plan
Reclamations proposed 5-year action would significantly reduce water allocations, expected foreclosures, decimated ecosystem...

"My research indicates that the thanks for this action are directly tied to the Department of Interiors Senior Solicitor, Robert (Bob) Anderson, who has been involved in Klamath issues since at least the Clinton Administration, Scott Bergstrom, also with the Department of Interior and is directly responsible for the processing of payment for heavily biased flow models between 1996 and 2006 which has further promoted the destruction of agriculture since the mid-1990s, Department of Justice's natural resources attorney Todd Snoddgrass who continues to misrepresent and mislead judges as to the water-right issues at hand which are outside the discretion of Reclamation's obligations under the Endangered Species Act, and his partner in crime Robert Williams..."


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