Followed by biography of fisheries
scientist David Vogel
VIDEO/AUDIO of David Vogel describing the 8 peer-reviewed
reasons for the decline of coho salmon.
"These individuals were charged with developing
information and measures necessary to restore anadromous fish in the lower
Klamath River Basin," states biologist/scientist David Vogel. "The
factors that were referred to with regard to the declines in salmon were
attributable to 8 causes:
1. Over fishing
2. Logging
3. The Trinity River Diversion , which is a transbasin
diversion from Klamath Basin to central valley in California
4. Irrigation Diversions in the lower Klamath Basin
tributaries, not the mainstem but the tributaries
5. The 1964 Flood
6. The 1976
77 drought which was a 50 year/100 year drought,
7. Sea Lion predation
8. Brown Trout predation
"There's not a single mention in this extensive
document, again a peer-reviewed document, that even mentions the Upper
Klamath Basin or irrigation in the Klamath Project," states David Vogel.
This document is the "Final Report Hoopa Valley Reservation
Inventory of Reservation Waters Fish Rearing Feasibility Study and a
Review of the History & Status of Anadromous Fishery Resources of the
Klamath River Basin", prepared by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in March
"This other report is the 'Lower Klamath River Instream
Flow Study', prepared by Donald Anglin, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in
August of 1994. The Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs
funded the study" relates Deb Crisp, Tulelake Growers Association
executive director.
"It lists the two primary reasons for the
decline in the anadromous fisheries as being ocean harvest and degradation
of habitat in the tributaries to the Lower Klamath River. Once again,
Klamath Project diversions are not mentioned, flows in the main stem are
not identified as a limiting factor.
There is no empirical data that supports a relationship
between Coho populations or populations of other salmonids and flow
releases at Iron Gate Dam."
The previous quotes by David Vogel were obtained via
videotaped interview 2001.
Biography of David Vogel
David Vogel was trained as a fisheries scientist and has worked in this
discipline for the past 28 years. He has a Master of Science degree in
Natural Resources (Fisheries) received from the University of Michigan in
1979 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology received from Bowling Green
State University in 1974. He previously worked for the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) for 14 years and the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) for one year. During his tenure with the federal government,
he received numerous superior and outstanding achievement awards and
commendations, including Fisheries Management Biologist of the Year Award
for six western states.
For the past 13 years, Vogel has been a consulting fisheries scientist,
primarily working on fishery resource issues in the western United States.
He has worked as a consulting fisheries scientist on behalf of federal,
state, and county governments, Indian tribes, and numerous other public and
private groups. He is presently the Principal Scientific Investigator for
research projects on salmon on behalf of federal and state agencies in
Vogel has extensive knowledge of the habitat requirements for fish species
in rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. During his employment
with the USFWS from 1981 to 1990, he directed a large program to perform
research on salmon in California’s Central Valley and developed fishery
resource restoration measures. He also performed numerous research projects
on salmon for the USFWS in many rivers and streams in the Pacific Northwest.
He has worked for the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of
Interior, the California Attorney General’s Office and other entities as an
expert witness on fishery resource issues.
For more than a decade, Vogel has advised the Klamath Water Users
Association (KWUA) on Klamath River basin fishery resource issues. He was a
principal contributor of biological information for the 1992 Biological
Assessment on Long-Term Operations of the Klamath Project. Vogel was the
principal author of the “Initial Ecosystem Restoration Plan for the Upper
Klamath River Basin” in 1993 and one of the primary contributing authors to
the Upper Basin Amendment to the Klamath River fishery restoration program.
He has prior knowledge and work experience in the Klamath River through his
work with the USFWS and served as the Acting Project Leader for the Klamath
River salmon projects in the mid-1980s. Additionally, he became very
familiar with Klamath River salmon issues through his representation on the
California Department of Fish and Game’s (CDFG) Salmon Smolt Quality
Committee during an eight-year period in the 1980s and through various
temporary assignments as the USFWS Division Manager for fishery resources in
California, Idaho, and Nevada during the late 1980s.
In 2002, Vogel provided testimony to the U.S. Congress House Resources
Committee concerning the use of peer review for scientific decisions under
the Endangered Species Act.